How to create & share promotional codes - Odoo 11.0

Want to boost your sales for Xmas? Share promocodes through your marketing campaigns and apply any kind of discounts.


  • Go to Sales ‣ Settings and choose Advanced pricing based on formula for Sale Price.
  • Go to Website Admin ‣ Catalog ‣ Pricelists and create a new pricelist with the discount rule (see How to adapt the prices to my website visitors). Then enter a code.
  • Make the promocode field available on your Shopping Cart page (option in Customize menu). Add a product to cart to reach it.

Once turned on you see a new section on the right side. On clicking Apply prices get automatically updated in the cart.

The promocode used by the customer is stored in the system so you can analyze the performance of your marketing campaigns.

  • Show sales per pricelists...