With Odoo’s IoT Box, it is possible to connect measurement tools to your database. Find the list of supported devices here: Supported devices,.
Connect in USB
To add a device connected by USB, just plug the USB cable in the IoT Box, restart the Box and the device should appear in your Odoo database.

If the device is not found, make sure the drivers have well been loaded on your IoT Box. For this, connect to the IoT Box Homepage and click on load drivers.

Connect in Bluetooth
Activate the Bluetooth on your device (see your device manual for further explanation) and the IoT Box will automatically try to connect to the device.
Here is an example of what it should look like:

Link a measurement tool to a quality control point
With the Manufacturing app
In your Quality app, you can setup a device on your Quality Control Points. To do so, go to the Control Points menu, under Quality Control and open the control point to which you want to assign a measurement tool.
Now, you can edit the control point and choose the device from the dropdown list. Then, hit save.

Now, your measurement tool is linked to the chosen Control Point. The value, which needs to be changed manually, will be automatically updated while the tool is being used.