Fiscal Localization Packages - Odoo 13.0

Fiscal Localization Packages are country-specific modules that install pre-configured taxes, fiscal positions, chart of accounts, and legal statements on your database. Some additional features, such as the configuration of specific certificates, are also added to your Accounting app, following your fiscal administration requirements.


Odoo automatically installs the appropriate package for your company, according to the country selected at the creation of the database.

To install a new package, go to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Fiscal Localization, click on Install More Packages, and install your country's module.

Install the appropriate module as fiscal localization package in Odoo Accounting.

Once done, select your country's package, and click on Save.

Select your country's fiscal localization package in Odoo Accounting.


These packages require you to fine-tune your chart of accounts according to your needs, activate the taxes you use, and configure your country-specific statements and certifications.

Please refer to the documentation listed below for more information.