Integrating additional costs to products (landed costs) - Odoo 13.0

The landed cost feature in Odoo allows to include additional costs (shipment, insurance, customs duties, etc.) into the cost of the product.


First, you need to go in Inventory ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and activate the landed costs feature. You can also determine the default journal in which the landed cost accounting entries will be recorded.

Add costs to products

Receive the vendor bill

Let’s imagine I receive a bill from custom duties for a shipment. I’ll tick the box Landed Costs on the vendor bill line.

If this product is always a landed cost, you can also define it on the product and avoid having to tick the box on each vendor bill.

At the top of my vendor bill, I’ll see a button create landed costs. I click on this button and a landed cost is automatically created. I can now decide on which picking those additional costs should apply.

I can now click on Compute and go in the tab Valuation Adjustments to see the impact on my products costs. The last step is to validate the landed cost.

I can access the journal entry that has been created by the landed cost by clicking on the journal entry.