Sometimes, you might need more components than usual to manufacture a product. Let’s say that you produce a desk combination of 4 desks and two chairs but your customer asks you one more desk. Alright, you can do that. But you will need to register it!
In case this happens, Odoo has the flexible components consumption feature available. If you enable it, you will be able to consume as many components as needed and it will make you save time in the registration of your items consumption.
Using flexible component consumption is easy and can be done in a few steps. All you need is a BoM and a Quality Control Point. Therefore, you will need to activate the feature Quality in the MRP app settings.
First, open the BoM you want to use for flexible component consumption and edit it. In the Miscellaneous tab, choose Flexible as the consumption type. Then, save.

Now, in the Quality app, open the Control Point menu, under Quality Control and create a new Quality Control Point. Choose your product, your operation and work order operation. Then, choose Register Consumed Materials as type.

Next, go back to your Manufacturing app and create a Manufacturing order. Choose the product for which you have created the flexible BoM.
Then, confirm it and launch the process step. While processing, you will have the possibility to consume more components than expected in the BoM. To do so, click on Continue Consumption.

When the job is over, you will find a summary of your component consumption in the Finished Steps tab of your work order.