Invoice based on delivered or ordered quantities - Odoo 13.0

Different business policies might require different options for invoicing:

  • The Invoice what is ordered rule is used as default mode in Odoo Sales, which means that customers will be invoiced once the sales order is confirmed.
  • The Invoice what is delivered rule will invoice customers once the delivery is done. This rule concerns businesses that sell materials, liquids or food in large quantities. In these cases, the quantity might diverge a little bit and it is, therefore, preferable to invoice the quantity actually delivered.

Being able to have different invoicing options allow you more flexibility. Indeed, you need to know exactly how to invoice your customers for different situations.

Activate these features

Go to Sales ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and under Invoicing policy choose the rule you want to apply.

How to choose your invoicing policy on Odoo Sales?

Choose an invoicing policy on a product form

From any product page, under the Sales tab, you will find the invoicing policy, which can be manually changed.

How to change your invoicing policy on a product form on Odoo Sales?

Impact on sales flow

On Odoo Sales, the basic sales flow will be to create a quotation, send it to your customer, wait for confirmation, confirm the sales order and create an invoice.

  • Invoice what is ordered: No impact on this basic sales flow. Indeed, you can invoice as soon as the sale is confirmed.
  • Invoice what is delivered: Small impact on sales flow because you will have to manually enter the delivered quantity on the sales order or to install the Inventory App to confirm the delivered quantity before creating an invoice, with the Sales App. Indeed, if you try to create an invoice without validating the delivered quantity, you will receive an error message as below.

    How the choice of your invoicing policy impacts your sales flow on Odoo Sales?

Finally, to create an invoice, you will have different possibilities: regular invoice or down payment (percentage or fixed amount).